Vaping in review: The important events you need to know about

In the last few years, vaping has gone from an underground, often overlooked activity, to the biggest competitor to the tobacco industry. Around the world, millions of people are trading smoking for vaping, and vaping is growing in strength each day.
The last few years have been eventful for vaping, with overwhelmingly positive clinical studies, research data and new trading standards that make vaping safer for everyone.
We’ve complied the most important information for you, so you can see exactly what’s happening in the industry, and how it affects you.
In a series of chemical trials, the USNIH concluded that vaping is significantly less harmful than traditional tobacco products.
Chemical toxins were found to be significantly reduced in device emissions, and comparable with that produced by nicotine replacement devices currently provided by health services. Cardiovascular risk was considered to be very low, due to the minimal risk posed by nicotine.
They also noted that reports of vaping’s possible dangers have been grossly misinterpreted by alternative reports, which used the minimal amounts of toxins found in vaping as a basis for condemnation.
2015: PHE study into Vaping shows a 95% reduction in harm when compared to tobacco products.
In August 2015, Public Health England announced that vaping is not only healthier than smoking, but is drastically reducing the number of tobacco smokers in the UK.
Experts concluded that e-cigarettes are around 95% safer than smoking, with no risk of nicotine poisoning and no risks to bystanders via second hand smoke were identified.
Furthermore, it was recommended that the NHS should indeed provide or advise e-cigarettes to patients looking to quit smoking.
2016: Cancer Research UK supports vaping.
CRUK has come out to supporting vaping as a means to increase smoking cessation rates in the UK.
Attempting to maximise the inherent strengths of vaping compared to alternative NRTs, CRUK has encourage smokers to take up vaping in an effort to quit smoking for good.
2017: UCL publishes study showing E-cigarettes are less toxic and far safer than tobacco products.
In a six-month study, it was found that e-cigarette users have considerably lower levels of toxins and carbonyls in their body than cigarette users.
Cancer causing toxins were reduced by 97% when patients switched to vaping products. Researchers highlighted that vaping products provided a positive outlook for the health of smokers in the future, and noted that vaping could be a key tool in battling cancer risks in the UK.
2017: The Tobacco Product Directive comes into effect.
This year we saw TPD finally come into effect, which changed the vaping landscape, mostly for the better.
Despite some annoyance regarding a reduction in bottle size, restrictions on 24mg e-liquid and packaging requirements, TPD has been for the betterment of the industry.
Increased safety awareness within e-liquid allows retailers like ourselves to fully check the chemical components of our e-juices, ensuring we only provide the best of the best. And that something we’re proud to be a part of.
2017: The UK becomes the home of Vaping worldwide.
Despite the clear benefits of vaping, the world still places restrictions on many forms of e-cigarettes. Internationally, it is still commonplace for vaping to be seen as an illegal activity in areas of the world such as Australia and Thailand.
The UK, however, is a hotspot for vaping, with open trade and a welcoming attitude to the industry. TPD provided the technology with a new legitimacy, and secured vaping’s future as the solution to the horrors the tobacco industry has been permitted to cause for decades.
It’s good to be British sometimes.
2017: Experts estimate Vaping will outsell tobacco products by 2023.
Canadian experts estimate that vaping will exceed sales from the tobacco industry as soon as 2023, drastically reducing the economic power of the tobacco industry.
Reducing the sales of the tobacco industry is a positive change, and one that could signal an end to an industry built on harmful and deadly practices.
2017: British American Tobacco admits the harms of smoking, and openly encourages vaping.
Early this year, BAT expanded its Vaping brand, opening itself to the diverse vaping landscape that caters to the alternative smoking market.
This is an interesting twist, as the cigarette industry has a significant history of demolishing vaping before it could get a serious foothold. Despite their efforts, the free market has chosen, and vaping has found itself in a position of influence.
The effect big tobacco will have on industry is unclear, but it does show the impact vaping is having on the world. A new, brighter outlook is becoming a reality, and if tobacco companies can see the benefits, it’s a very good sign.
2017: Over half of UK vapers have successfully quit smoking.
Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) recently reported that in a study of 12,000 vapers within the UK, over 50% had successfully quit smoking.
The report urged vapers who still smoke to switch to vaping for the sake of their own health.
And there you go, the most important bits of information from the last few years. Vaping is growing in size and strength as an industry, which means good things for smokers everywhere.
We'll keep you updated with more information when it appears, but until then, keep vaping and stop smoking!