Vaping New UK
Posted: January 30, 2024Categories: Vaping News, Product Information, Vaping World News, Vaping New UK, Vaping Products, MHRA, Vaping GuideViews: 514
Huge news has been making waves within the UK as Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced plans to help tackle the child and teen vaping epidemic that we have sadly seen rise in recent years in correlation to the growing popularity of disposable vape pens.
What are disposable vapes?
Disposable vapes are singular-use electronic cigarette devices that deliver nicotine in the form of vapour with the aim of replicating the sensation of smoking a traditional cigarette. These devices gained popularity due to their convenient nature and accessibility, allowing adult smokers to test the waters with a vaping device before committing to a fully reusable vape kit. Whilst these devices started out with honest intentions to help the masses put down tobacco products for good, there have been horrifying outcomes to the disposable vape era that will shock you.
Singular-use -
Posted: April 17, 2023Categories: Vaping News, Product Information, Vaping World News, Vaping New UK, Vaping Products, TPDViews: 213
What is the "Swap to Stop" Scheme?
Swap to Stop is an innovative scheme created by the UK Government to incentivise adult smokers to quit smoking traditional cigarettes by providing one million adult smokers with vaping devices.
The Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has recently updated its guidance in line with the government’s plans to help people stop smoking. It means that England could be the first country in the world to make medicinally-licensed e-cigarette products available with an NHS prescription.Read more »
Posted: August 27, 2019Categories: Vaping News, Company News, Vaping World News, Vaping New UK, USA Vaping News, Press ReleaseViews: 196
Here at the London Vape Company, we pay very close attention to what is happening around the globe in terms of e-cigarettes, and it has become impossible for us to not address the first vape-related death in the United States of America.
Author: Amy Phillips
The leading cause of preventable deaths will soon be something of the past. In 2016, there were 77,900 deaths in the UK attributable to smoking cigarettes, according to a report by the NHS. However, the outlook is finally brighter and the world is changing. Smokers are quitting with the aid of e-cigarettes.
Posted: March 29, 2019Categories: Vaping News, Company News, Product Information, Vaping New UK, Vaping Products, Press ReleaseViews: 167
Author: Amy Phillips
Recently, there has been a surge in the number of people asking what CBD is and how it can help them. This isn't surprising, as this new industry is growing in popularity massively thanks to a balloon in high quality product types and more available public information.
But that doesn't always leave us our queries answered, such as if CDB is psychoactive? Or what it can help with? How about how much THC is in CBD?
We used to have similar questions, but with lots of experience and research we can provide a definite answer once and for all.
Posted: June 21, 2018Views: 276
You've heard the debate, you've seen the years of conflicted e-cigarette media reports. And you've almost certainly talked with friends about the implications of vaping. But the facts are clear.
Posted: February 22, 2018Views: 537
Posted: February 02, 2018Categories: Vaping News, Company News, Vaping World News, Vaping New UK, Cancer Research UK, Vaping Products, Press ReleaseViews: 184
If you were to walk into any e-cigarette store in the UK and ask the question ‘Is vaping safer than smoking’, every single one would tell you the same thing. Yes.
They couldn’t have his prize.
He knew they wanted it, that they had coveted it since he pulled it from the ice. The expedition be dammed, it called to him, and him only. A sweet, otherworldly siren song full of promises and dark temptations beckoned him even now. And he answered.
Posted: January 18, 2018Views: 110
Continuing their overwhelming support for vaping as a means to combat UK cancer rates, Cancer Research UK has provided deeper insight into their stance on E-cigarettes.
The results are in, and you already know the answer. Yes, E-cigarettes are safer than smoking!
Posted: October 04, 2017Views: 81
Quitting smoking sucks. We all know it, we've all experienced it and no matter who you are, it just sucks.
But with support from Stoptober and The Vape Co, you can make it!
Posted: September 28, 2017Views: 55
We need your help.
Vaping is an industry that has become more and more invisible to the public, thanks to increasing pressure from a host of outlets, restricting our ability to communicate with our customers.
It has recently been announced that both Instagram and Facebook will be hiding vaping related posts, and while this may not sound like much, it will have a significant impact on our business.
Posted: August 24, 2017Views: 108
Cigarettes and lungs don’t exactly have the healthiest of relationships, and the same applies to the Tobacco industry and the British Lung Foundation.
When it comes to vaping, that relationship gets…complicated. Over the years both sides have been butting heads regarding legislation, research and much, much more.
But things are changing.
Posted: July 19, 2017Views: 105
In 2017, the vaping industry faced its biggest challenge; The Tobacco Products Directive.
Restrictions to trade, packaging and products on the market proved to be a point of contention between vapers and the government, but UK vapers were quick to adjust to the new rules.
However, despite widespread compliance and the promise that no further changes would come into effect, it seems that TPD isn't done with us just yet.
Posted: June 27, 2017Views: 105
In the last few years, vaping has gone from an underground, often overlooked activity, to the biggest competitor to the tobacco industry. Around the world, millions of people are trading smoking for vaping, and vaping is growing in strength each day.
The last few years have been eventful for vaping, with overwhelmingly positive clinical studies, research data and new trading standards that make vaping safer for everyone.
Vaping helps you to reduce risk in numerous areas, but not many would have thought about how using e-cigarettes can put a stop to fire risks.
As it turns out, that's exactly the case!
Obesity is a dirty little word that follows around most major powers in the world, as we all try to balance readily available garbage food with growing inactivity.
The result? We as a people are getting considerably fatter, and our health is declining. Despite what some people may tell you, this is a big, big problem.
However, Vaping is having some unexpected side effects which could make a significant impact on our waistlines. That being how flavoured liquids seem to be reducing user's cravings for naughty treats and fatty snacks.