Vaping and the new smoking culture

The smoking culture is one of those dirty little terms that follows around users of tobacco products. Socialised smoking, smoking areas and other day to day realities of being a smoker often walk hand in hand with accusations of antisocial behaviour and less than favourable representations.
But then came vaping, a healthier alternative to smoking, which manages to trade off the negative aspects of smoking without reducing the satisfaction. But does the negative stigma attributed to smokers carry over to vapers?
Well, that is the definition of a yes/no question.
It has been no secret that popular media was quick to condemn vaping despite overwhelming evidence in favour of the health benefits when compared to smoking. In turn, vapers have been subject to a bizarrely aggressive backlash from the public, out of a combination of misinformation and a tainted perspective of those who smoke.
Despite actively seeking out a healthier alternative to a dangerous habit, there seems to be a harsher view of vapers than smokers, at the very least within the public eye. Vaping is seen by some as an unproven experimental activity that will have negative results in the future. However, by attacking vapers themselves, they have unknowingly created a system by which conventional smoking has somehow managed to gain a better public image, despite the proven health risks.
The unknown apparently has more of an effect than what is proven, as the former has become common knowledge and therefore, boring. Attacking vaping is in some way morbidly thrilling for critics, but to say nothing socially beneficial has come from vaping is ignoring a very important shift in the way the smoking public thinks.
But these developments in public opinion have had the the effect of bypassing the positives of the new vaping culture, which is rapidly spreading the news that vaping works.
Despite what arguments critics may present, vaping is an intrinsically social experience, and with a wealth of new vapers popping up all over the country it introduces a simple, but effective method of pulling smokers away from cigarettes. A vaper in a crowd of smokers can inspire others to begin the quitting process simply by being there, which invites curiosity and intrigue.
Information is informally shared, people get talking and soon many quickly realise that vaping is there to help. This is one of the many reasons why vaping has exploded in popularity; word of mouth matters.
Not only that, but vaping opens a door to a new hobby, new social experiences and new ways to enjoy technology. Vaping stores are hotspots for socialising and learning about advanced devices and gourmet juices quickly becomes a fun and rewarding experience. Vaping events, competitions and more are making smoking fun again, without it remaining harmful to your health.
Vaping can be a gateway to a healthier lifestyle, not just for yourself, but for others who have yet to see the benefits. Independently, the smoking public is moving away from smoking, and we have vaping itself to thank.