Mods that rock – the e-cigarette design revolution
From the introduction of the e-cigarette in 2007 to date, the little electronic vaping devices, which have changed so many lives by helping smokers to quit, have themselves changed considerably in form. This transformation from the mundane and functional to an array of stunning designs started off as the creative passion of one father and son team in Newark-on-Stoke. Because of them, vapers today have a huge choice when they decide to put their smoking habit behind them, and many of the most exciting can be found at our high street and online stores. The electronic cigarettes mods were born!
E-cigarettes started out as cig-a-like or ‘cigalike’, cigarette-looking units with the basic functionality of today’s units – an inhaler, e-liquid tank, heat source (atomiser) and battery – but something was missing, the visual appeal and an experience tailored to the needs and wishes of the vaper.
Ted and Matt Rogers were the creative minds behind the very first ‘mods’ – mods being the term the industry now uses to refer to a new generation of customised e-cigarette units. They invented a mod called The Screwdriver, because of its distinctive shape, which they adapted from a simple pocket torch casing. The vaping community was only just taking off at this point, not the two million strong force it is today, but as soon as pictures got out about The Screwdriver, the vaping community went crazy for it. Not only did everyone want one, but it inspired a whole generation of modders who wanted to adapt their e-cigarettes to their own particular needs.
This was pimped up electronic cigarettes mods units on a grand scale. It started out with people like Ted and Matt in their garage tinkering away, and today is a massive manufacturing engine.
Electronic cigarettes mods are now available in a variety of shapes and sizes, the Screwdriver shape seems to pop up quite a bit, but there are box units, cylindrical units, big units and small units. All sorts of materials – mods are made in stainless steel and laser engraved brass, in chrome and copper, though I’m sure it won’t be long before the first be-jewelled mods make an appearance. Mods have been manufactured for longer battery life and to contain larger e-liquid cells for those who wish to lose themselves in a vaping afternoon, and have been made with LED displays and voltage adjustment mechanisms to adapt the vaping experience.
If you are interested to see just how wildly different from the original e-cigarette today’s units have become, if you’d like to investigate the best way to quit smoking, if you have questions, or if you’d like to choose from the widest variety of mods, e-liquids and accessories in North London, then visit our online store or pop by one of our high street shops – you’ll be more than welcome.