Meet the staff: Anil

Deep within the ripples of time, a disturbance makes itself known to the universe. What cosmic horror dwells within?
Yup, it's time for meet the staff!
And who is the subject for our little character autopsy? We're heading right back to senior management with our beloved overlord, Anil (Ohgodwhatshappening Itsyourfaultest).
Name: Anil
Habitat: The dumpsters behind Airbases
Diet pre-Weight loss: Bad choices
Diet post-weight loss: Pockets of flavored air
Role: Senior Manager
The Vape Co is a fickle beast, and to be in a position of control on this wildly thrashing wildebeest, you need guts, charisma and a sharp mind. Anil, therefore, considers his approach to be 'outside of the box'.
Hidden within the underbelly of the our oldest store, Anil commands operations from his big, comfy, if broken, chair. His watchful eye quietly hovers over the camera feed, looking for any signs of insubordination, while only occasionally popping onto Youtube for a quick cat video break.
Anil maintains order and discipline from years of training within the RAF reserves, which gifted him with patience (cough), tolerance (cough) and glorious facial hair (cough). A word of advice, never, never, ever ask him about anything military related, as you will never leave.
You will often find Anil staring glassy eyed at his monitor day to day, occasionally muttering angrily to himself about something called Center Axis Re-lock. If you do happen upon him in this state, try to avoid contact, alert the local authorities and stock up on his major weakness, mince pies.
Anil has been key to the Vape Co's continuing success over the years, with a phenomenal work ethic, strong leadership and so much repressed rage. Anil will tell you this himself if you ask him, and even if you don't. He will also tell you that his is an honorary member of the Greek race, but we haven't seen any paperwork to confirm this.
Anil will be here, breaking his Nautilus Mini tank and complaining about distributors for a long time coming, watching over us like the hero we never asked for, or wanted. But there is something morbidly comforting about that, even if his knowledge of firearms makes us uncomfortable to come to work.