Join over 1400 vapers in fighting social media's restrictions on vaping!

We need your help.
Vaping is an industry that has become more and more invisible to the public, thanks to increasing pressure from a host of outlets, restricting our ability to communicate with our customers.
It has recently been announced that both Instagram and Facebook will be hiding vaping related posts, and while this may not sound like much, it will have a significant impact on our business.
In the last few years, the vaping industry has suffered from increasingly harsh regulations that limit our ability to operate. We cannot advertise, we are restricted on what what we can discuss and we cannot seek out new customers who may be unaware of the industry. Vaping cannot survive on word of mouth alone.
Millions of smokers are left unaware of the benefits that vaping can provide, as the wealth of overwhelmingly positive studies and research are buried beneath stigma and prejudice.
Our industry, which seeks to revolutionise the smoking world, eliminating the health risks associated with traditional tobacco products, is now being seen in the same light as smoking. We cannot allow this to happen.
The publics knowledge and understanding of our industry is tainted with misinformation, misconceptions and biases. The more companies like Facebook institute these pointless and harmful restrictions, the faster our ability to help smokers diminishes.
With no social media presence, we lose our last avenue to promote our business. The more and more we lose out, the less and less this industry can survive. Restriction’s that are brushed off by big tobacco are crushing to vaping, and if left unimpeded, there is little hope that companies like ours can survive.
That means no more vaping. That means tobacco wins. That means everyone loses.