E-cigarettes 97% safer than smoking according to new study

A new study has shown that E-cigarettes are up to 97% safer than conventional smoking.
In a study funded by Cancer Research UK and performed by the department of epidemiology and public health at UCL, it was found that long term vapers have significantly lower toxic and carcinogenic substances in their body when compared to smokers.
A total of 181 participants were monitored over time, testing urine and saliva for harmful chemicals.
The research, which also included nicotine replacement devices, reported that there are very few risks associated with long term use. Furthermore, e-cigarette only users were show to have 97% drop in NNAL levels, a toxic compound closely associated with lung cancer.
Volatile organic compounds, including highly carcinogenic acrylamide and cyanide-releasing acrylonitrile, were drastically reduced in vape only users.
Those who continued to smoke while also vaping did not enjoy the same levels, further shining light upon the danger of traditional tobacco products.
Dr Lion Shahab, a senior lecturer at the department had this to say:
“Our study adds to existing evidence showing that e-cigarettes and NRT are far safer than smoking, and suggests that there is a very low risk associated with their long-term use."
“We’ve shown that the levels of toxic chemicals in the body from e-cigarettes are considerably lower than suggested in previous studies using simulated experiments."
“This means some doubts about the safety of e-cigarettes may be wrong. Our results also suggest that while e-cigarettes are not only safer, the amount of nicotine they provide is not noticeably different to conventional cigarettes."
“This can help people to stop smoking altogether by dealing with their cravings in a safer way.”
Professor Kevin Fenton, the national health director of health and wellbeing at Public Heath England, supported the study:
“This study provides further evidence that switching to e-cigarettes can significantly reduce harm to smokers, with greatly reduced exposure to carcinogens and toxins."
The results of this landmark study are already making waves within numerous media outlets, including The Evening Standard and ITV. The London Vape Company was proudly featured in the report, which can be seen below.
Finally, e-cigarette users can rest a little easier. Previous research was keen to shoot down the positives of vaping, and was quick to demonize the practice. With expert research and unbiased parties involved, it now seems that the truth about vaping can be displayed with confidence.
We'll vape to that!