Company News
Posted: November 19, 2023Views: 2245
In 2013, the narrative of luxury vaping was rewritten when an anonymous UK-based Russian Billionaire enlisted the expertise of renowned designer Anthony Mixides to craft the 'Shisha Sticks Sofia.' This bespoke vape, created as an extraordinary gift for the Billionaire's girlfriend, not only exceeds the value of an average UK house at £550,000!! but also holds the coveted title of the world's most expensive vape.
For those with a cool half a million pounds to spare, the dream of owning the 'Shisha Sticks Sofia' remains elusive. This exclusive masterpiece, a one-off commission, is reserved solely for the possession of the Billionaire's fortunate girlfriend.
The brilliant mind of Anthony Mixides, the master designer behind Shisha Sticks Sofia, invested an impressive 4.5 months to bring this vision to life. The result is a true design marvel, adorned with
Posted: May 26, 2022Views: 718As a society we have endeavoured to limit the damage we are causing to our environment, with actions such as the banning of plastic straws, reducing consumption of single use plastics, and charging for the use of plastic carrier bags.Read more »
Posted: August 27, 2019Categories: Vaping News, Company News, Vaping World News, Vaping New UK, USA Vaping News, Press ReleaseViews: 196
Here at the London Vape Company, we pay very close attention to what is happening around the globe in terms of e-cigarettes, and it has become impossible for us to not address the first vape-related death in the United States of America.
Posted: March 29, 2019Categories: Vaping News, Company News, Product Information, Vaping New UK, Vaping Products, Press ReleaseViews: 167
Author: Amy Phillips
Recently, there has been a surge in the number of people asking what CBD is and how it can help them. This isn't surprising, as this new industry is growing in popularity massively thanks to a balloon in high quality product types and more available public information.
But that doesn't always leave us our queries answered, such as if CDB is psychoactive? Or what it can help with? How about how much THC is in CBD?
We used to have similar questions, but with lots of experience and research we can provide a definite answer once and for all.
Posted: June 21, 2018Views: 276
You've heard the debate, you've seen the years of conflicted e-cigarette media reports. And you've almost certainly talked with friends about the implications of vaping. But the facts are clear.
Posted: February 02, 2018Categories: Vaping News, Company News, Vaping World News, Vaping New UK, Cancer Research UK, Vaping Products, Press ReleaseViews: 184
If you were to walk into any e-cigarette store in the UK and ask the question ‘Is vaping safer than smoking’, every single one would tell you the same thing. Yes.
They couldn’t have his prize.
He knew they wanted it, that they had coveted it since he pulled it from the ice. The expedition be dammed, it called to him, and him only. A sweet, otherworldly siren song full of promises and dark temptations beckoned him even now. And he answered.
Posted: October 04, 2017Views: 81
Quitting smoking sucks. We all know it, we've all experienced it and no matter who you are, it just sucks.
But with support from Stoptober and The Vape Co, you can make it!
At the London Vape Co, we like to follow our customers progress, to ensure they find quitting as easy and pain free as possible.
Our Quitters series lets you tell us about your journey, from the highs, to the lows, and everything in between.
This week, we were lucky enough to hear Peter's story, which is one which many smokers can relate to!
Posted: September 28, 2017Views: 55
We need your help.
Vaping is an industry that has become more and more invisible to the public, thanks to increasing pressure from a host of outlets, restricting our ability to communicate with our customers.
It has recently been announced that both Instagram and Facebook will be hiding vaping related posts, and while this may not sound like much, it will have a significant impact on our business.
We are thrilled to announce that we have partnered with Amazon!
You will now be able to take full advantage of Amazon's Locker service within our Camden Branch.
Posted: August 24, 2017Views: 108
Cigarettes and lungs don’t exactly have the healthiest of relationships, and the same applies to the Tobacco industry and the British Lung Foundation.
When it comes to vaping, that relationship gets…complicated. Over the years both sides have been butting heads regarding legislation, research and much, much more.
But things are changing.
‘Do you still have the dreams?’
Dr Seldvig’s question fell on deaf ears, as his young patient sat quietly across from him, eyes fixated on the hard-wood floor. The doctor let the question hang momentarily, like the choking dust covering every section of the room, but was yet met with silence. He decided to take a different path.
‘What about the words, William?’ Seldvig pressed, ‘Do you still hear them?’
‘Dark thoughts breed dark deeds’
Elizabeth’s mothers words echoed in her mind, still powerful enough to cause a sting of fear, even after all these years. It was hardly a comfort on this dark night,
The dimly lit streets of London were full of potent terrors, but today she witnessed something she shouldn’t have. Something evil. Something that made her often tense walk home seem as dread-filled as a home cooked meal.
She would leave England tonight. She would start fresh and be free of the horrors that seemed to almost suffocate her every waking moment of lucidity. She would be free.
Enthralled by her thoughts, she hardly noticed that her door was already unlocked, nor the musty smell coming from the pitch black hallway that somehow seemed so alien this eve.
But she soon woke from her daze, when a whispering voice emanated from the hunched figure shrouded by the night, standing on her stairwell.
Crippled by terror, wide eyed and mouth agape in horror, she hears the dark words and knows true fear for the last time. She finally realises, in this terrible moment, what her mother meant.
As the vaping industry grows in size and strength, the public is becoming increasingly interested in what the world of e-cigarettes is slowly developing into.
Originally formulated as a more effective and more natural quitting tool than other nicotine replacement therapies, vaping has grown to pose a genuine threat to the tobacco industry.
In an investigation by 60 Minutes Australia into how the tobacco industry is responding to the vaping movement, we were lucky enough to feature in the broadcast and give our opinions.
Beneath the very crust of the earth, a remnant of a life once lived rummages through the wreckage of the old world. Its clammy, boney hands caress inexplicable objects from the lost society above, its simple mind unable to comprehend their worth or meaning.
Something catches the creatures eye, something unnaturally preserved, seemingly immune to the ravages of time. With uncommon care, the beast inspects the small, leather bound book, taken with its beauty. It can almost hear a soft, intimidating whispering, inviting a closer look.
Suddenly, the artifact bursts open as an ungodly, shrieking noise erupts in the dank cavern. Blinding light illuminates the creatures visage, as it stares, frozen in terror at the contents within.
For the first, and last time, the creature speaks, screeching the words contained within as it is locked in petrifying horror:
A shrouded figure struggles up the barren, twisted hillside, his crooked form barely able to pull himself up the steep path. His journey is familiar, but his task is both alien and mortifying. As he crests the ancient dune, a cold chill reminds him of the unspeakable horrors that have graced this godforsaken land. He does not stop, even as his body screams for relief and his restless mind pleads for him to run far, far away from the nightmare that awaits him.
Finally he sees his goal, a black, shapeless void in time and space. It hovers so gracefully and yet fills his soul with such sickening dread. Steeling himself, he moves his wizened visage closer to the opening, listening intently.
The words that hiss from the abomination are exactly what he feared:
'It's time to meet the staff'
Deep within the ripples of time, a disturbance makes itself known to the universe. What cosmic horror dwells within?
Yup, it's time for meet the staff!
And who is the subject for our little character autopsy? We're heading right back to senior management with our beloved overlord, Anil (Ohgodwhatshappening Itsyourfaultest).
Here we return with yet another thrilling observation of the wondrous variety within the veritable animal kingdom of the Vape Co staff.
Today we look towards our Holloway store, a wonderful place where pies and football are equally heralded as 'the best thing ever'. And in this humble little abode, we find Zoe (Greekus Shoutatus).
When the boss walks in the door wearing a beret and camo, your company has either begun a very aggressive stance on competition, or you might just be witnessing the first steps of celebrating Reserves Day.