The British Lung Foundation believes vaping can save lives and public spending

Cigarettes and lungs don’t exactly have the healthiest of relationships, and the same applies to the Tobacco industry and the British Lung Foundation.
When it comes to vaping, that relationship gets…complicated. Over the years both sides have been butting heads regarding legislation, research and much, much more.
But things are changing.
In the last few years, more and more studies have concluded that vaping can lead to vast health improvements when replacing smoking, and are a highly effective cessation tool.
For an establishment like the BLF, a long-term enemy of big tobacco, it makes sense that they would start taking a far more positive approach to vaping.
Sarah Macfadyen, the Policy and Public Affairs Manager at the BLF, recently published an article for, praising the industry as a means to combat tobacco.
Personally highlighting the overwhelming benefits of vaping, citing NHS studies and the value of having a quitting tool that works, Macfadyen discussed her views clearly:
‘…we can be confident that, compared to smoking tobacco, vaping is a considerably better option.
And that matters because too many people are still smoking regularly and aren’t getting the help they need to quit. Smoking is still the single biggest cause of preventable early death.’
When compared to the diminishing public provision of smoking cessation tools, and the growing £13 Billion in costs associated with smoking damages every year, Vaping is looking more and more like an ideal solution to a very old issue.
These ideals are not exactly unique to the BLF, as the British government has been attempting to begin a move towards a ‘smoke-free generation’.
While vaping is not the only way this is coming into play, it is a major factor in how we are shaping the future of smoking.
England has seen a drastic reduction in smoking, with only around 15.5% of the population still using cigarettes.
But Macfadyen suggests more action is required, offering the opinion that public health campaigns and medical centres must be equipped with the tools required to provide e-cigarettes to the general smoking public.
While vaping still has hurdles to clear, with the support from trustworthy sources such as the BLF, it can make strides in benefiting the public.
Image Credit Vaping 360