Posted: June 16, 2015Views: 59
It seems that the anti-e-cigarette campaign has resulted in mixed feelings from the public at large, for while a greater number of people now believe that e-cigarettes are more harmful than smoking – 22%, up from last year’s result of 15% – according to Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), up to half a million new vapers have joined the community, bringing it up to a whopping 2.6 million strong in the UK alone. So, as the nation becomes ever more polarised on the subject, what has driven these numbers and who should be believed?
UK-based anti-smoking charity, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), has just released a new study which affirms that there is no evidence to suggest that electronic cigarettes are encouraging young people to take up smoking. This is an important point as it is a claim that those looking to prevent e-cigarette use tout around as truth. Therefore, it being disproved is an important win for the two million or so vapers in the UK and the many thousands more who were on the fence about quitting with the help of e-cigarettes.